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Overview of basic project management methodologies and certifications

PRINCE2, IPMA, and PMI are three different project management methodologies. They all share the same goal, which is achieving a successful project, but each offers a unique approach.

PRINCE2 (Projects In Controlled Environments)

PRINCE2, a methodology developed in the United Kingdom, provides a detailed and structured framework for project management. It defines roles and processes, emphasizing project control and documentation. PRINCE2 offers certifications at two levels: Foundation and Practitioner.

PRINCE2 Foundation: This certification tests basic knowledge and understanding of the PRINCE2 methodology and terminology.

  • Objective: To confirm that an individual has a fundamental awareness of PRINCE2 and its principles, enabling effective work within a PRINCE2-managed project environment.
  • Exam Format: Multiple-choice questions.
  • Exam Language: The 5th version is available in the Czech language. However, it will be discontinued in March 2024, replaced by the new version 7.

PRINCE2 Practitioner: This certification is for individuals who already have basic knowledge of PRINCE2.

  • Objective: To confirm the ability to apply PRINCE2 principles to real projects and work effectively as part of a PRINCE2-managed project team.
  • Exam Format: More complex questions and scenarios testing the ability to apply knowledge in practical situations.
  • Exam Language: The exam is in the English language.
Project management
Project management involves planning, organizing, monitoring, and controlling activities to ensure that a project achieves its defined objectives, including budget, schedule, and other requirements. A project is a temporary and unique endeavor aimed at creating a specific outcome or product.

IPMA (International Project Management Association)

IPMA is an international organization providing various levels of certifications for project managers. It focuses on their competencies. Through a comprehensive framework, it specifies the competencies a project manager should possess.

IPMA offers certifications at different competence levels, denoted by letters A, B, C, and D, with level A being the highest. The exam is conducted in the Czech language.

  • IPMA Level A (Certified Projects Director): This highest level of certification is designed for experienced and highly qualified professionals in project management. They have the abilities to manage large and complex projects. Level A certification is suitable for project directors and top-level project managers.
  • IPMA Level B (Certified Senior Project Manager): Suitable for experienced project managers who have the skills to manage complex projects. Level B certification confirms the ability to successfully lead projects.
  • IPMA Level C (Certified Project Manager): For project managers with intermediate skills and experience in project management. Level C certification verifies that the holder has sufficient skills for successful project management.
  • IPMA Level D (Certified Project Management Associate): The basic level of certification is suitable for individuals starting their career in project management and wanting to acquire fundamental knowledge and skills in this area.

PMI (Project Management Institute)

PMI is based in the United States. It defines the main reference framework PMBOK for project management. PMBOK contains processes and knowledge necessary for successful project management. It is highly detailed and systematic.

PMBOK includes several key elements:

  • Knowledge Areas: Ten knowledge areas such as planning, scope management, time management, cost management, quality management, communication management, and more. Each knowledge area deals with a specific aspect of the project.
  • Processes: It defines 49 processes organized into five groups (starting from initiation to project closure). Each process is associated with a specific knowledge area and provides a procedure for managing a particular aspect of the project.
  • Terminology and Definitions: Provides standardized definitions of terms used in the field of project management, helping ensure a consistent understanding of the project management vocabulary.

PMI offers a range of certifications, such as Project Management Professional (PMP), and others that validate skills in project management according to PMBOK. The exams are conducted in the English language.

Which project management methodology to choose?

The choice between these methodologies depends on your organization's needs and preferences. PRINCE2 focuses on structured processes and project control. IPMA emphasizes manager competencies, and PMI focuses on detailed processes. Some organizations combine elements from different methodologies to create their unique approach to project management. Consider your needs and find a methodology that best fits your project.

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