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Database - MongoDB

MongoDB is a cross-platform document database. It ranks among NoSQL databases and uses JSON-like documents and a dynamic database schema instead of traditional table-based relational databases, making data creation and integration easier and faster for applications.


Courses to choose from (2 in offer )

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Designed for participants with basic knowledge and experience
 cz  eu
The MongoDB application development training is designed for Database Administrators, System Architects, and all IT professionals who want to gain a better than thorough knowledge of NoSQL databases. They will get acquainted with what are sat types, references, IDs, keys, sequences, how Document Manipulation, Tree Structures, Cursors, Aggregations, MongoDB indexes and optimizations work. 
Course length
2 days
Course code
4 terms in these formats
virtual classroom
Online training with a lecturer at a specific time.
virtual classroom
23 000 Kč
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Designed for participants with advanced knowledge and experience
 cz  eu
The MongoDB administration training is designed for Database Administrators, System Architects, and all IT professionals who want to gain a better than thorough knowledge of NoSQL databases. They will learn about management tools, how backup and recovery, user management, monitoring, indexes, and optimization work. They will also get acquainted with how replication and MongoDB Sharding work, ie the distribution of database resources between servers. 
Course length
2 days
Course code
3 terms in these formats
virtual classroom
Online training with a lecturer at a specific time.
virtual classroom
The course with an instructor in classroom.
23 000 Kč
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